Reverbrations Of The Solar Eclipse In Leo On The Signs
The effects of the solar eclipse to occur on August 21, 2017 at 21:26 in Leo
“Astrology is a Science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It has taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it. The geophysical findings lay bare the Powers of the stars and the planets interrelating with the earth. So that means Astrology, in some sense, reiterates this power. That is why Astrology is like an elixir that gives life to humanity.” Albert Einstein
Aries Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
During the solar eclipse that will occur on August 21, 2017 at 21:26 in Leo, Mercury, the planet of communication will be in retrograde. You must be apprehensive in matters that require attention. Again, within this period, you must pay heed to health problems related to the stomach. Risk taking, making sudden decisions may lead to loss and dissolution of partnerships in business affairs. You must not take decisions without in depth investigation and should not be insistent to have your ideas approved. Aries natives are intense when it comes to risk taking. However, overconfidence may incur hardships. The Solar Eclipse to occur in Leo will be have an impact in the 5th ouse HhhhHouse of your natal charts and you will have the stamina to express yourselves to make the changes that you have been dreaming of. It is a time for renewal for you in all aspects. All to the good, you are ready for challenges and to steer what is to be experienced into the right path.
The eclipse will impact your 5th House. You may encounter developments with regards to your children and love life.
Taurus Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the eclipse energy you will be getting much attention and your perception will be heightened, it will bring out to the fore the darkness from your past, those things that you do not know and your realities ingrained in your subconscious that hinder you from forging ahead and you will be getting rid of those burdens as if you are reborn. With the reverberations of the eclipse energy, just trust your instincts without paying heed to who says what, and without remaining under the influence of others advance along the path your intuition points out. This energy will bring along conspicuous energies for those married natives. Problems may arise regarding an affair your spouse had in the past or his/her former marriage. The jealousy of his/her ex or lover can come into play over your relationship. You must share your feelings with your spouse and express that they need to stand by you with all their might and mettle to overcome this problem. For single Taurus natives, you may grab the attention of more than one person during this period and can be kept from stepping into a new relationship due to the unpleasant behavior of your jealous friends. That is of course, if you let them! You must exert your will power to the full and do not let anyone to force you into feeling that you need to do something that you are not willing to. When you do that, you can step into a continuous and enjoyable relationship with your soul mate. Staying committed to your home and family, specifically if you are in doubt of the integrity of someone is crucial for your happiness. However, you would not be interested in suffering obtusely. Your actions may be based upon your own fears rather than the judgment and intention of others. However, the solar eclipse to occur in Leo which has the ability to self-express will be effecting your 4th House, giving you an opportunity to clean up the uncertainty between you and your family. You will be solving the problems and will feel the peace with true values strengthening your family ties.
The eclipse will occur in your 4th House. This may lead to problems or positive outcomes with family matters.
Gemini Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the eclipse energy, your one on one relationships will become all the more important. You may have to deal with problems arising from your friends not being able to keep their mouths shut about your private life. A secret that you may have shared in the past can come to the fore in a manner that does not tell the truth of the story and you can find yourself in a situation where you seem unjustified even though you right. If you do not want your friend’s instantaneous indiscretion to give you headaches, you have to balance out your private life and relationship with your friends so that you will not have any problems. You should also remember that something two people know is not a secret! Being friends is quite different from fellowship. You’ve got to learn how to draw that crucial thin line between the two. The energy of the eclipse bears energies that might bring those natives interested in writing to the forefront. You can put pen to paper with the eloquence and pour those dreams that you have collected in your heart and gain quite a success with your written work in your career. Try to express yourself in writing rather than speaking and achieve success. Between August 24 and 27, 2017 the problems in your career shall dissipate and you can experience unexpected surprises like a promotion and wage increase. I would advise you to feel confident and remain patient. The positive events to occur in regards to family matters by the end of the month will boost your courage. The power of being unconditionally loved will help you to find a way out with the problematic matters of your life. You can get close with someone whom you will be introduced to by the elderly of your family and that you will be in the same environment with and grow feelings you have never before experienced. I would advise you to put your emotions second and proceed by getting to know that person without losing hold of logic and making hasty decisions. The pace of your life accelerated with all that you’ve been through and came to a critical point. By a twist of fate, if you can use the transformational energy of the Solar Eclipse in Leo, the eclipse will impact your 3rd House. You can balance out your day to day, and resolve chaos, misunderstandings and crises. You cannot turn back time but you can make good use of what’s to come.
The eclipse will be effecting your 3rd House. Problems in relation to travel, your close circle and siblings can be encountered.
Cancer Sun Signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be in retrograde. Plan what you want to do in the upcoming 6 months and take action. The eclipse forges energies that’ll put a smile on the faces of cancer natives that had been dealing with health problems. Also those cancer natives that had problems with their children or siblings, the eclipse will bring financial riches and the beauties of love for you. You are particularly prone to lay claim to sentimental values, and embrace everything, all the objects that you love. Be careful not to let this attitude of yours lead to exploitation. The Solar Eclipse in Leo will be impacting your 2nd House. New developments start to come to the fore with regards to personal resources and income. You will manage to keep away repeating the same patterns over and over again. It is time for you to wipe out the things that do not develop.
The Solar Eclipse will impact your 2nd House: Financial surprises or problems can be encountered.
Leo Sun Signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the eclipse energy, problems in travelling may arise and you can experience grievous events as a result of one moment’s inattentiveness. BE CAREFUL. If you are feeling tired do not drive on August 21, 23 and 24. With this energy, your private life will be gaining importance, you will get decisions about your spouse or lover and apply these with courage. You must do so! Your love life will take on a whole new dimension with your choices and confidence. Listen to your inner voice, your heart and take your decisions accordingly… If you think that you have wronged someone beg forgiveness, if you know that you are being treated unjustly put an end to it. Question what you’ve been through and what you’ve made others go through. You are people who reflect their inner struggles to all facades of your lives, people who experience and have others experience love in all its plainness. You must succeed in acting conscientiously with this in mind. Those single natives or ones that are not in a relationship, the door to your soul’s throne that had been locked for ages can be knocked by Love. A friendship that you’ve had, can become LOVE. Leave your prejudices to a side and feel love up to the hilt. The Solar Eclipse will impact your 1st House. While this energy shakes you in a spiritual sense, it will lead you to put your priorities in order. Consider where your development is arrested. Delve into your fears. Examine what’s proceeding positively and what’s not in the right order without remorse. You can only start to make changes if you can see yourself as who you really are and change your negative aspects, situations, and people in your lives. You can reconstruct your life by coming to an understanding that, when we try to become a better version of ourselves everything around us changes accordingly.
The eclipse will impact your 1st House. There’ll be personal changes and developments.
Virgo Sun Signs, Ascendants, and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. A chapter of your life is closing and a new era starts! However, your attitude and stance in life will determine how you will make use of this strong and positive energy. The injustices that you had to bear in your business, educational and private life leave their place to positive developments and you start to get what you deserve. Unifying courage with your knowledge, experience and self-confidence set a course and advance towards your goals with determination. The Solar Eclipse in Leo will impact your 12th House. The house of Spiritual Mystery will take you on a journey of dreams and visions with this eclipse. You are face to face with the opportunity to become all the wiser metaphysically. You must leave what’s right for others to a side and get out of the circle of those who are slaves to their habits by developing yourselves. You must pay heed to your intuition and let it guide you.
The eclipse will impact your 12th House. You can have spiritual and psychological problems and experience hidden enmity. At the same time your spiritual experiences will increase and you will be able to take notice of your enemies and overcome them.
Libra Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. This energy is the harbinger of a new milestone and phase of transformation. Set yourselves goals and understand what you should stay away from and lay claim to and take action. You can experience terminations in your careers and get opportunities of new commencements in much better conditions. Do not be afraid when the energy of the eclipse drags you down like a whirlpool, rather than resisting it be easy going, even if you have to deal with minor challenges fight back by setting your abilities forth and act by not trusting others but through self-confidence. Those single natives or ones that do not have a relationship, the energy of the eclipse might lead you to make your relationship official. With the support and encouragement of your friends, you can take the first step on the road to marriage. The imbalanced relationships can suddenly have center point in your lives with the Solar Eclipse. You can try to achieve some things by staying away from stressful energies and succeed in your endeavors. The Solar Eclipse in Leo will impact your 11th House. You must place emphasis on your social relationships, and not to call your friends when you are in need of their help but to make some time to spend with them.
The eclipse will impact your 11th House. You can have experiences that will make life more meaningful with friends and the people that you act in unison with. You can have new starts with new people.
Scorpio Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the eclipse energy, you will come to understand that you only come to this world once, and know how to enjoy each and every moment in the best and most beautiful way possible. You are precious, take notice of that and let the love in your heart and the excitement in your soul shape your life just like the ceaseless energy of a child. Those single natives you are in a lucky period, you get to socialize and acknowledge the novelties. With the energy of the eclipse if the accustomed patterns are hampering your productivity or limiting your growth, you might have to set new directions in your career. Along with that, the Solar Eclipse to occur in Leo will impact your 10th House and will support you in broadening your horizons with regards to a more healthy and lasting road map by consolidating your career lives. Now you must keep abreast with novelties, to gather the courage to take the chance without hesitation.
The eclipse will impact your 10th House. Sudden developments can come to play in your career. You can be merited for achievement and gain recognition or lose what you have at one stroke.
Sagittarius Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. Luck is on your side in your business and private affairs. You can start a new relationship, and experience developments that will have you feeling relieved both materially and non-materially, and taken notice off after a long period of uncertainty in your business affairs. Meditate and get integrated with your beliefs so that your soul be empowered. Becoming purified, to head towards new beginnings will make you stronger in every regard. These energies will also have your hidden enemies coming to the fore and keep you from harm. It is a time of purification and renewal for you. You will be able to take radical decisions and implement them. Married Sagittarius natives, what you will be encountering will make your life more enjoyable and all the more special with your spouse, you will be bonding and communicating like you never did before. With the eclipse energy, you must stay away from matters you are not in the know about, curiosity for the unbeknownst can lead to critical situations for you. The Solar Eclipse to occur in Leo will impact your 9th House. You will be facing energies that will broaden your horizons when it comes to your viewpoint in life. With the turbidity of the ongoing problematic situations you can delve deep into the core and find your way out and construct a new process in the right way.
The Solar Eclipse will impact your 9th House. It might bring forth challenges and surprises with regards to education and long distance travel.
Capricorn Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. You will be able to stay away from your tiresome habits and obsessions. What you will have to be careful of, is problems coming to the fore in relation to your health, specifically reproduction systems. It will be in your own best interest to act without being negligent. You will be tending towards activities that you can develop yourselves. You will have to deal with ungratefulness of those that you have sacrificed yourselves banging to the left and right. You will find solutions to many problems that you were not able to pull off and you will be giving yourselves another CHANCE, thanking that you are still able to hold on to life despite all the challenges you had to face… And you will get its return more than you could ever have expected. The Solar Eclipse to occur in Leo will impact your 8th House. Deep and mysterious things will start to keep your mind busy and you will be able to find the answers to the questions that you have been willing to for a long time which will shed light to lots of issues. The energy of the eclipse brings you the light of your awareness, and a positive transformation period. If you manage to lead your life according to the saying, ‘old roads do not lead to new doors’, you can break those shackles and exert the purity of the essence.
The solar eclipse will be in your 8th House. Issues in relation to government and inheritance may come to the fore. You can have experiences that might bring you remorse or happiness when it comes to your sexual life and have to deal with health problems due to that.
Aquarius Sun signs, Ascendants and Moon Signs
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the energy of the eclipse, if you are looking for work or want to change jobs or bring a new project to life make good use of this time. Make your abilities yield you gain. You can get unexpected help from the new people you will be meeting during this time and steer your life to a totally different course. Suffice it be that you are not afraid of change. And do not let your upsets and anger keep you from making good use of the opportunities. You may have pains in the heart area or in your bones. Pay heed to these pains, go to the doctors and take the necessary precautions. The Solar Eclipse to occur in the sign opposite yours impacts your 7th House. One of your colleagues or a friend that you trust can save you from a difficult situation, by playing a role in averting a crises related to your spouse or lover by inhibiting the coming out of an important information, preventing what you fear the most becoming a reality. Real friends know that a friend in need is a friend indeed, and with this eclipse energy you will be able to tell friend from foe and will look at your relationships and will distance yourselves from your 'so-called' friends on your own volition. The Solar Eclipse might bring a hidden issue to the fore in your business affairs or partnerships.
The Solar Eclipse will impact your 7th House. Problems in relation to your marriage and partnerships may come to light or else just the right opposite might happen your problems might get solved.
Pisces Sun Sign, Ascendant, and Moon Sign
A Solar Eclipse will occur in Leo on August 21, 2017 at 21:26. During the eclipse, Mercury, the planet of communication will be retrograde. With the energy of the eclipse, you may have problems with regards to your private life, spouse, family, elders and siblings. If you don't want to be a slave to words, try not to be righteous but happy and manage to remain calm and fair-minded, to stay away from the destructive power of the words exerted in anger. With the reverberations of the eclipse, you should give importance to communication in order to show that you are a responsible individual. The Solar Eclipse to occur in Leo, will impact your 6th House and this might lead to problems and startling energies in your business and daily affairs. You must strive to keep the promises that you have given and leaving aside your interests take care to walk the walk and talk the talk, and try not to clash with your loved ones, and keeping in mind that commitment is displayed not through words but actions.
The eclipse will impact your 6th House. Disease, problems in your everyday lives and house accidents can come to the fore.
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