April 2017 Celestial Energies
April is a month in which we will be facing the positive and negative outcomes of what we have been doing, confrontation, karmic war of the good and the bad, of those we have rejected, ignored, and ran away from, things that we can’t even confess to ourselves. We will be having a month that will be pervading quite compelling, shifting energies both individually and communally, and collectively.
We will be dealing with energies of judicial, juridical issues, problems in attention span, high risk factors when travelling, wrong decisions, where what we’ve considered wrong will prove to be right, and what we considered right will prove to be wrong.
When it comes to the triplication of World weariness, non-resistance and struggle, there are energies that will be forcing us to come up with solutions without pursuing ambitions that will lead to a situation without any winners. These are such energies that we should be uniting rather than dividing, as Shams Tabrizi had said, Do not raise your voice, elevate your utterances… Let’s look at the other side of the coin: If we give in to our ambitions and act egotistically without thinking of the others, as I have relayed in my column titled 2017 The World and Turkey, starting from March 28th, first and foremost due to the retrograde of the Grand Master Saturn along with the heavenly energies that will come to the fore by the motion of other planets, we will have to put an end to being on our soapboxes, and mongering storms in teacups and do what is required of us paying heed to the celestial warnings in order to be able to pass through the AS-SIRAT-AL-MUSTAQEEM. We should remember that when a baby is born, it first crawls, walks and then runs. One starts to learn, struggling in fits and starts. Since we cannot become rich if we just sit on our hindquarters, lose weight while we overeat, be loved if we don’t love, we should be working, producing and striving to make good use of the time rather than race against it. We should put in the effort to redeem what we have wronged, and wheel out the beautiful sides of our essence without adding anew to our faults, ambitions, anger and conceit. It is a process that needs to be thread by keeping in mind that we will be manifesting both stability and instability through our preferences! When we hark back, if we do not want to be left helpless at the deep bottom of a well of darkness and regret, we should give all the more importance to turning the celestial warnings to account.
How we can be turning them to account is hidden in our hearts having been sealed or not.
The Word, Retrograde means going BACK. “Gradi” means to go. OK, so can planets go back? We know that every celestial body in the Solar System moves forth on the elliptical plane. Retrograde planets do not suddenly start moving the other way round and going back, it’s just that their longitudinal impetus steadily decreases. That is to say, they become stationary and when we observe them from the Earth, they look as if they are going backwards. If a planet is Retrograde, than it brings forth a slowing down in the affairs it represents.
VENUS: Planet of love and beauty, Venus, which was retrograde in Aries will continue to go retrograde in Pisces as of April 4th and will go direct from April 15th onwards. During this period, one should not be rushing to formalize relationships by getting betrothed, engaged or married. We will be having difficulty expressing our love, tending to display behavior that might be misunderstood and break the heart of those we love and hence we may encounter undesirable endings to our relationships. If we do not want to have abrupt endings and regrets, we should take pains not to act out on a whim when it comes to the matters related to whichever house Venus is retrograding in our natal charts. VENUS is the planet of love and affection, social influences and beauty. When it is in retrograde, one cannot express their love regardless of how strong it may be. It get difficult to do so. One becomes more self-conscious. Depending on whichever house Venus retrogrades in your natal chart, emotions in relation to the matters of that house cannot be readily expressed, and pessimism and misfortune comes forth in matters of love and social activities.
Those relationships built on lust and passion during the Venus retrograde, shall end in misery and regret when Venus goes direct. Venus retrograde can also bring forth true love; however challenges and circumstances requiring struggle put this love through a tough test. Those lovers that are able to pass this test can have a lasting relationship! The retrograde of Venus, the planet of beauty, can make it difficult to love and be loved. You may end up in sorrow when it come to love. During the retrograde Venus puts forth its warrior foot and gives us a pay pack in the same manner if we have tormented, quitted or failed to appreciate love. We reap what we’ve sowed during this period. Venus also rules the reproductive system. During Venus retrograde, an increase in problems related to sexual organs can be observed. Venereal and reproductive organ diseases may escalate. It is important to be mindful of personal hygiene. Venus can see excessive use of makeup and jewelry and even deformation as a result of cosmetic surgery.
As a last note, Venus retrograde keeps surprises in stock for you to consummate the painful experiences that have given you a broken heart in your love life. As your experience in relationships grows, you square an account with the past and start experiences more loving relationships. Also note that one may not be get the desired results from plastic surgery during the Venus retrograde. You must consult an expert to find out what the effects of the Venus retrograde will be according to your natal chart, and learn when is the best date and time to be going through with such a procedure. Or else, you may have to face undesirable circumstances.
MERCURY will start going retrograde in Taurus on April 10th and by April 21st will be entering Aries and continue to go retrograde till May 4th.
Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde 3 times a year. That is to say it becomes stationary. When observed, it looks as though it is going backwards and it brings about delays and disruptions. During these periods, details that have been overlooked can lead to problems. Misunderstandings and arguments arising of such, breakdowns of electronic equipment, delayed e-mail messages, problems, delays and disruptions regarding contracts and agreements can be experienced. It shows that you will be experiencing problems connected to communication in matters represented by the house in which Mercury happens to go retrograde in your natal chart.
PLUTO Retrograde
Planet of transformation, worry, beginnings and ends, transition from darkness to light, death and birth… will be starting going retrograde in Capricorn on April 21st and will go direct on September 29th … During the Retrograde mishaps in matters related to the house in which Pluto goes retrograde in your natal chart will come about and you’d be required to tackle your problems on your own…
SATURN will be starting going retrograde on April 6th in Sagittarius, and start to go direct again on August 26th. During this period, we should be reevaluating the lessons we have taken, controlling our actions and reactions, behaving in a mature way and keeping our manners in check in order not to add one more to the regrets that we’ve had in the past, and implement what we’ve learned to our lives.
April 2017 – Monthly Horoscopes
Aries – April 2017
Following a turbulent and arduous process you are now face to face with a transformative energy. Upon going through a series of tests you are leaving behind stringent experiences. You will encounter new opportunities and welcome new developments with regards to your careers. In the first months of the year, the most important thing you had to mind was not to act aggressively and in an angry manner… You should especially take care not to act pessimistically in relation to matters connected to your career and abstain from comparing yourself to others. First and foremost, you must be aware that should leave behind those energies which had you getting stuck in the wheel of fortune, hope and hopelessness in relation to your occupation and social matters in general. You will be purified of the negativity and pessimism of the past and focus on what’s good and beautiful. You may succeed in achieving a lot with regards to career and personal matters, your outlook on the future can get better especially by the year end, and you may also experience financial rewards of improving your bilateral relationships. As of April 4th, your relationships will take a turn for the better, and whether you are married or are in a relationship, you should know that you will be seeing that your relationship has definitely improved and become more positive.
You may have to experience some none called for mishaps in your family life and marriage, your relationship with your colleagues, your nearest and dearest between April 4th – April 15th of 2017. During this period you should refrain from making important decisions and be attentive to strike a balance.
The month of April can see you consolidating friendships that will be financially beneficial for you which will begrudgingly turn out to be the talk of the town. The positive energy surrounding your social circle will help boost your motivation and inspire you both in your educational endeavors and careers. You may find new work, manage two jobs at the same time hence creating yourselves a new source of income. On April 6th of 2017, the repercussions of Grand Master Saturn going retrograde, which was in your 9th house, will have its bearings for you. Your efforts with regards to your career may not get accolades and find their results. You may change jobs this month. Mercury will be starting going retrograde on April 10th and since it may have its toll on your mental faculties, it is probable that you face problems arising from the weakening of your decision making abilities. After April 14th of 2017, while your expenditures are on the rise your income will be decreasing. You should be careful in terms of your expenses and losses this month. Travelling can lead to financial loss and expenses, keeping this in mind you should be revising your plans accordingly.
Taurus - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
You are leaving behind defeat and redefining your place in this world with your warrior spirit. When you are reasonable, nimble, manage to be open to new ideas, accepting the changes, blending the charms of your essence, a whole new road will get paved in your way. For the last couple of years, you’ve experienced many a negative and positive event. This will be a year of challenges for you where you will be displaying mind management. Even though working hard and quiet disciplinatedly will be compelling, if you choose to walk the path with the precept that after hardships comes ease everything will turn out to your advantage on the way to success. If you could be a bit more flexible, ready to accept changes, you will achieve a lot and the positive things you desire and expect to happen will become manifest. The challenges that you will be facing within this period will be stemming from The Grand Master Saturn moving to a shady area in your horoscopes which rules joint studies, collaborative work, marriage and business partnerships bringing forth unexpected challenges and problems in these areas. For the most part, you will be building your own luck and career with your own efforts and strong will.
In April, you should not be embarking on new endeavors but rather completing and wrapping up unfinished business. It is a new era to increase gains and reorganize your home. What’s more, this month will have a huge positive impact on your creative faculties and development in tandem with your mental faculties. You will have lots of opportunities with regards to what you’ve been working on since the beginning of this year, and new areas and achievements will open up for you in business and educational affairs, and you will experience developments that will see you having an increase in fame and status. You will be getting new ideas and creative outbursts.
Specifically between April 4th and April 15th of 2017, you should be careful and savvy in business, educational and financial matters. The secret to both your success and happiness will be discretion. If you manage to refrain from taking decisions on a whim, well it might even be an enjoyable time for you. You should be taking effective decisions with regards to love and relationships after April 15th of 2017. Your wishes and desires will be heightened this month. Be careful not to have regrets due to wrong decisions taken when it comes down to relationships. A new page in your careers and endeavors paving the way to success are among store this month. You may experience tremendous developments in both your personal lives and careers. You may be placed in better ranks with a new project or job at work. Although, since there are retrograde planets, you may not be able to get what you’ve expected out of taking over, vesting in or opening a new business. As of April 14th of 2017, your income will be seeing a raise. To your pleasure, huge gains will be falling into place by the end of the month. Also, the benefits you will be receiving from friends will find their repercussions as positive energies in both your career and love life.
Gemini - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
A month of exalted energies, where forces will be clashing welcomes you. For you, the month will be taking on meaning day by day. Your sense of responsibility should be not be so fore front compared to the preceding months; this month you may have to battle with those who will be voicing their opposition in matters related to your work, you may feel some pressure in this regard. The aspects Grand Master Saturn will be forming, will be having its bearing on the house that rules marriage, relationships, partnerships and joint projects in your natal charts. Even though, this is an energy that will have negative effects on you, it makes it all the crucial that you remain patient and confident. This period may bring forth issues that require persistence against all odds and strife in relation to your spouse, his or her next of kin and your career. If you stand by your significant other and manage to keep your motivations high, the problems that you may face will be surmountable for you. In any case, you may be able to carry into effect new projects in your career and can break free of your shackles against all odds by putting forth a vestige you have been working on for so long. The pressure you may experience in your career may increase a bit more as of April 6th of 2017. Should you be able to make good use of the business and financial opportunities you get, if you plan it well, you may create a new source of income and add new business fields to your existing ones in which you will be achieving long lasting success. Between April 3rd and April 15th of 2017, you may have to face inconveniences that will be bothersome. During these days, single Geminis might experience romantic intimacy with a colleague. Within this period, the level of competition at the work place might irritate you and you may have to deal with a women who at times can create problems and undergo stress because of the pressure she places on you. Between April 4th and April 17th of 2017, be more circumspect than you’ve ever been, and avoid arguments.
To sum up, it will be reasonable for you to try to be flexible and stand aloof when it comes to arguing. You must stay calm and overcome anger. It’s in your hands to strengthen your bonds with family and friends through lenience. The uptrend in your career will become noteworthy after April 14th of 2017. Since many a considerable planet will be retrograde this month, you should try to keep away from taking historic decisions in relation to your business and private affairs. You may have divergent emotions regarding your love life and can find it difficult to take decisions when it comes to business relationships and friendships. What’s more, this period can also bring a lack of clarity and communication with regards to your love life!
Cancer - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
This month you must give dear worth to yourselves, which you have turned to naught by taking care of the needs of others, the first place in your list of priorities should be yours. You must be able to draw the difference between those that were with you when you were working hard and advancing, and those that were with you when you were in the fall and strive to find your place in the winds of change by finding the courage to end your relationships with fair-weather friends. This month, you will be facing the energies of the transition of the Grand Master Saturn from your 5th to your 6th houses in your natal charts. This impact points out to a huge change in your thinking. All the negative and unpleasant thoughts in your mind, can transform to being positive and favourable. If you can work hard, you can make your dreams come true. If you tend to continue with the same repeating thought patterns your chances of success will be in the least. You must consider the messages of the Grand Master Saturn well and purify your mind through result-oriented action.
This month do not exhaust yourself for anything. You can generate income from different resources when it comes to your career. But you may have to deal with a lot of problems resulting from your achievements. You can encounter some obstacles and problems with regards to government and taxes. Following April 6th of 2017, you may face issues that require more struggle and competitiveness in your work life. You may find it difficult to work day after day due to the obstacles placed before you by those who are in opposition to you and your ideas, you should never and ever consider giving up as an option. This month considerable planets like Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto will be going retrograde. Especially with the energy of the Grand Master Saturn, you should keep off from taking important steps when it comes to business and personal endeavors. Try not to give rise to problems so big that they need to be resolved judicially with your employers, be careful not to take things to that dimension. Or else your reputation might be tarnished and you may have to face pecuniary and non-pecuniary hardships.
If you are a cancer who has given up on love, due to an unfortunate marriage or the pains of a relationship, you can get married or step into a new relationship that will be based on solid ground. For those who are currently in a relationship, following April 15th of 2017, splendid energies will be backing you to restructure your life. If you strive to lift off the shadows of the past from your life and do not let notions like suspicion and jealousy harm your relationships.
Leo - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Those Leo natives interested in politics can experience significant developments in this regard, and can carry out activities that will make all eyes turn to themselves leading them to success. Overseas trips can yield gains, investments and success in your career. In your private lives, those Leos that are coupled can experience crises. The problems your spouse hides from you in relation to business affairs, instability, complications with banks and tax offices, and financial transactions he carried out unbeknownst to you can lead to a loss of trust. After April 14th of 2017, you should not be rushing forth with investments and partnerships, and talk about your business plans in and out of season.
Your ideas might be stolen! What’s more, the Grand Master Saturn is in retrograde. So, you will be facing energies that will be detrimental when it comes to lending and borrowing money, you should be careful. Should you plan it right, the month of April will be bringing forth energies that will see you progressing in terms of both material and immaterial gains. This month, if you manage to keep off your ill temper, self-destructive behaviours and bad habits at bay, you will stand the chance to achieve stability. Even though, investments and status in general will be good, those Leo natives that have children can encounter problems, especially if you are a divorced mom or dad, you may have to deal with your ex due to problems related to your child. Those Leo natives that have children in adulthood may have emotional blowups because of the decisions taken without their consent. With the energies of the retrograde planets, you might have to be mindful of the energies which will see your subconscious opening up and leading you to be under the influence of others; focusing on the truth rather than the promises made, you should not be the spokesperson of any discourse that does not stand to reason in your regard. Between April 6th and April 20th 2017, you should be careful not to take severe decisions in relation to your business and personal affairs, and gravitate towards changing jobs or finding additional work as a result of the tension building up due to the uncertainties in your working environment. The plans you should be making during this period should tend towards protecting and betterment. As of April 15th of 2017, you should be wary of historic changes and problems that you may encounter due to hypocritical people in your business affairs. During this period, you should avoid arguments and taking decisions on the spur of the moment. The period following April 15th of 2017 will become clearer for you.
Virgo - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
April will be bringing about many opportunities for you to advance in your career should you act in control and not out of your ambitions. You will consolidate your business affairs incrementally and will advance towards success as a result of your endeavors. Those Virgo natives working in the health sector, you should especially make good use of the energies that can see you raise the bar of your achievements. However, you must be in your center and not pay heed to manipulations, after April 14th of 2017, those Virgos that have partnered in business affairs can encounter problems. Issues may arise in relation to inheritances and judicial matters this month.
You should be careful in bilateral dialogues and give importance to secrecy. As of the end of April, balance gets stricken in your personal affairs. This month, considering that along with the Grand Master Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and other significant planets are going retrograde, you should be rational in order to prevent conflict with your spouse and family members, and be attentive, taking decisions calmly. Problems in relation to household and health matters can de-escalate after April 6th of 2017. If you are patient, you can experience tremendous leap in your business and financial affairs thanks to your resolve. Also, you should be placing importance on social values and strive to keep your bonds tight within this month.
Your emotions rise and you may come to face out of the ordinary events in your existing relationships, you must be careful and try to take decisions regarding marriage by the end of April. During this period do not make a significant attempt. You should not be rushing to step into a new relationship or deciding on getting married or separated. You must have your feet firm on the ground and not take decisions at the drop of a hat.
Libra - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Your thoughts will manifest themselves with goodness and charms in the middle of the month and will prevail your private affairs. As of the first days of the month, the good news you’ll be getting in relation to business and foreign affairs can ease your life. The retrograde of important planets like Saturn can see you dealing with recursive works and can conduce towards fixing many contretemps.
As of April 14th of 2017, your career will be cranking up a notch by dint of your dynamic personality. You are getting both the immaterial and material payback of your efforts. With good advancements and developments in various walks of life, you will be feeling good and will be able to take the right decisions and implement them. As the year progresses, energies to increase your luck, achievements and level of growth will be prevalent. You will be encountering energies that will put your pecuniary and non-pecuniary riches and family relationships into order. As of the first months of the year your name, status and activities will be improved and escalating, you must become aware who is your friend and who is not and act accordingly by striking the necessary attitude. Between April 6th and April 19th of 2017 you should avoid repeating the same mistakes you’ve done in the past at all costs. You may encounter some disruptions regarding business affairs and investments, you should be mindful.
This energy will also be effecting Libra natives married and with children. The repercussions of Grand Master Saturn’s retrograde can also lead to problems regarding children and investments, and you may have to self-abnegate a bit more. As of April 25th, a new activity might come to the fore with regards to your business endeavors and you may encounter significant developments and new opportunities in your career. In your private life you may be passing through formidable tests and finding yourself right at the root of love. The period between April 15th to April 23rd of 2017 will be confusing, but will be very exciting and a time when you should be refraining from taking historic decisions both with regards to your business and personal affairs. You must be pursuing novelties both in your studies and career. This month, creativity and honesty will be very important for you to gain ground.
Scorpio - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
This month, travel and commute may lead you to cash in on your financial gains and potent partnerships. The benefits you will be getting from your friends can see the consummation of a uncompleted project and the resulting of a judiciary matter in your favour hence leading to relief. From April 14th of 2017 onwards, you should be careful not to share everything with those close to you, and express all that passes from your mind. This month, heavens will be supporting you with regards to new property and housing. When it comes to educational matters, this month you may have to put in an extra effort. You have to determine your goals and come up with solutions instead of complaining. Even in the face of favourable events, your personal life and relationships could have been compelling for you since the beginning of this year. After an unfavourable two year period in which Saturn, the Grand Master had been having its impact on your personality and changing your disposition to a great extent, this month you will be coming to better grasps of your reactions and decisions, and feel the relief of being able to say “No” and face the consequences of your own mistakes.
As of April 2nd of 2017, you may be setting boundaries with some of the people around you and putting an end to them having their say in your private affairs. After the 6th of April, you may have to strive to cope with disruptions, blockages and hidden enmities that you had to deal with as a result of the actions of others at work when it comes to your business affairs. Complacency and diplomacy will see you managing this process rationally. Due to the repercussions of the Grand Master Saturn’s retrograde you may encounter a stagnant period in business and financial affairs, you must wait patiently, and tackle the matters at hand without deviating from the existing fronts to different arenas. When it comes to your private affairs, single Scorpio natives can step into a pretty extraordinary coupling. Throughout April, you must be careful in embarking on a new venture or investment, and refrain from major risk taking and changes.
This month, with the increase in your success and happiness, you may see an upsurge in both open and hidden enmity, for this reason you should be wary and imperturbable. You may encounter sustainable growth and new opportunities in your business affairs. Hence you should be quiet cautious. Mid-month, April 15th of 2017 onwards, harbingers energies that may see you experiencing extraordinary things in your love life. If you desire new beginnings, those things that are in your heart of hearts coming to fruition, you should lift the burden of others from your shoulders and strive to be the master of your own lives.
Sagittarius - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
April will be a shuffling month for you! You may encounter unexpected problems in your business and private affairs. Again during this same period, you should pay heed to matters related to your health, specifically your stomach. Since many planets are going retrograde, you should not be taking important decisions this month, and keep off from embarking on new endeavors. Those Sagittarius natives encountering problems in their private affairs, can come to be in the know of very important information, and change the course of their affairs accordingly. It is time for you to implement what you have learned of life now. Throughout this month, you will be coming face to face with various opportunities that can see you quench your thirst for knowledge, if you succeed in making good use of these, you can see fast-paced and significant developments in your business and private affairs.
It is an extraordinary month that will see you experiencing radical changes in your career and private life. If you have experienced hardships in April 2016, you may continue to experience some compelling situations. The problems you’ve had to tackle throughout 2016 were unexpected and beyond your control. The problems you will be encountering throughout April 2017 will be easier to deal with if you shape them to your liking and preferences. Your attitude and reactions to circumstances will, to a great extent, be determining your fortune and gains. On one hand, you will think that your income will increase, favourable events, an increase in your tempo will be experienced but you will be kept away from your family and personal matters. On the other hand, along with personal problems, anxiety and disappointments can surge. You may find yourselves in circumstances that have you feeling helpless. You must clarify your expectancies, and choose to be clear and honest in your agreements. You should not give into frivolities and have a pessimistic outlook on life. Those of you who will manage to be open and clear about their values, will see their problems dissipating and bearing forth favourable results.
Between April 6th and April 23rd of 2017, self-seekers lacking plain good sense can create problems for you in your business affairs and studies. You should be able to draw the difference between your real friends and those that you’d considered to be friends and come to realize your mistakes, the sooner the better. Also, even in the face of your personal problems and issues you have to tackle at work, if you don’t fail to get the messages the Grand Master Saturn, which will soon be going retrograde, is giving you, this month is a good one for business, and it will see you succeeding as a consequence of the progress you’ve made, positive attitude you’ve displayed, and your favourable behaviours and undertakings. Suffice it be that you do not act out of your ambitions, if you manage to do just that, happy times will come and you will be fending off the anxieties for your future and getting good opportunities to socialize, spend time with your friends, start enjoying life with surprise developments when it comes to love. If you can get out of the shadows of the past, a long lasting relationship will be the reward heavens bestow on you. Till April 10th you may get some hefty gains from real estate. After, April 15th of 2017, you can have a surprise wedding. Even though April is going to be exhaustive, you have to determine your strategy well to be able to achieve good advancements. Being patient, working hard and being honest are the keys to success. You have to take good care of your health throughout this month.
Capricorn - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
You must take firm decisions with regards to the opportunities you’ve gotten in your career. If you remain indecisive, you may fail to cash in on this fortune and have regrets. You should be giving utmost importance to interaction and improve your communicative abilities to be able to express yourself correctly. You must remain open to novelties. You may experience huge success that will be born out of new people and new collaborations. However, in the second half of the month, your life will start to lighten up as carrying out your responsibilities both in your business and private affairs will have their positive impact on your life.
Your social life will be on the upswing and you may experience the proceeds of meeting the right people at the right place. You should refrain from arguing with egotistical people with whom you have a hard time establishing communication this month. Mercury retrograde warns you in this regard. After April 15th you should make use of the surprising offers you will be getting when it comes to business and should consider all the opportunities that may take you to higher levels. Meeting new people will also be bringing forth new beginnings for you. If you are looking for work, as of April 18th you may commence employment at a place where you will be working for the long term and in peace. This month, you will be seeing gains and substantial progress from sources abroad, and through connecting with foreigners in business and educational endeavors. In your private life, your bond with your spouse or lover will grow stronger in proportion to the power of your love, and you will feel more serene since your existing problems will be resolved and by dint of that you will be taking the necessary steps in your career to get to the point you desire with confident steps.
The thing you should be aware of this month is to balance out your emotional intelligence with your rational mind, you should not remain silent to the behaviours of your friends, and this can undermine your relationship as did in the past. You will be giving more importance to your personal development and reflecting the glory of the essence of your inner world that’s waiting to be discovered to the outer world. You will be doing the right thing by coming to a severe parting of the ways with the people who constantly criticize you, trying to manipulate your business and personal affairs. With your cash flow getting into shape of April 19th, you start to get what you deserve for your efforts. However, you may have to deal with stomach troubles due to being extremely overwhelmed due to your work tempo. You should not be ignoring your health matters. In your private life, even if the unfortunate experiences you’ve had might have changed your outlook on love, you may be able to step into a long lasting relationship with someone by the end of this year. Until April 15th 2017, you should make a move that can have an impact on your life, something you have not made before. This month you can give start to new relationships and partnerships, but you should be careful not to embark in on an official partnership with anyone who’d fail the test of reliability.
Aquarius - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
You must be mindful of your health within this period. If you have undergone surgery or medical intervention last year, you must be careful and not tire yourselves out considering that condition might make a comeback. This month you may not be able to get what you want from travel and commute. Especially between April 12th and April 19th when you get behind the steering wheel be careful and do not drive if you were not able to get your sleep or if you are tired, you may experience events that will be harmful to both you and others. With the coming of April 21st, your energy levels start increasing. You may use this energy to restructure yourselves and your lives, can take radical decisions regarding your marriage or relationship with your significant other, by either ending a relationship that continued to go on albeit uncertainty, thus making time to discover your different aspects. You may take a step towards a blissful, and warm coupledom…
You have will be fortunate in financial matters in the last part of the month. However, you should be reining in your obsessions and anxieties assuaging them to a minimum. This is a time to try and trust in your selves. Due to the retrograde of the Grand Master Saturn you can have a leap when it comes to gains and income. If you can manage not to act upon the manipulations of others you will be able to attain balance and obviate financial imbalance. You may change sectors, you can work as a professional or with a partner and yield tremendous earnings working in a joint work area. At the same time your spouse can make a hefty sum and you may be able to cash in on their gains.
Between April 6th – April 17th of 2017, you may have to deal with problems of your next of kin in your private lives. The tension between you and your relatives and siblings can have you getting into trouble in your private lives. You must draw your boundaries and watch out not to be quick-tempered. When I look at the effects the planets’ energies will be having on your natal charts for this month, it would be wise for you to restrain yourself from displaying your anger, saying stuff out of whole cloth, having bitter outbursts, uttering fomenting words that push boundaries in professional matters. You should be staying in your center trying to develop your abilities which will be the key to your success. As of April 21st, single Aquarians may see quite positive developments in their love lives, and may experience surprising and positive energies coming through your friends as this month is about to end. Leaving behind the unpleasant taints of the past behind, you must make much of your social life and try to be in the now when it comes to the charms life presents your way.
Pisces - April 2017 Monthly Horoscope
In your business and private affairs, the events that enfold out of your control can increase tension, lacking in love and trust, your marriage and, business relationships can walk out of your life without your intervention and you may forge on with unyielding will power and courageous decisions. Starting as of April 14th 2017, you may have a favourable period. Positive energies will start to prevail in your love life. You may take joint decisions with your significant other and actualize lucrative investments in your material world through partnerships. As long as you manage not to be pessimistic and keep your anxiety levels under control, you may be breaking ground by making good use of this dynamic energy! If you are a housewife and have talents you have been considering to bring to the forefront for a long time, you must make this month count to get the balls rolling. Be they bitter be they sweet, you’ve had to endure many changes since the beginning of this year, your mentality and thinking has developed in contradistinction to that of the past.
Celestial Energies in April will help you to plan your next step, progress as expected and make decisions. The most important issue you should be mindful of, is to be wary of the pressures that your hidden enemies can place on your business relationships and friendships, you should react on time. Pressures and problems in this regard can intensify all the more during the retrograde of the Grand Master Saturn. Between April 6th and April 29th 2017, you should be cautious, and not shy away from conflict.
In your private lives, in matters of marriage, April shall bring forth pleasant and peaceful developments. If you are not married, there is a chance for you to walk the path towards marriage this month. By the end of this month your popularity will be increasing, and you will get the general approval of the people you leave good impressions upon. The Pisces natives who are students dealing with their studies can have a significant concentration problem. The stiches of the ceaseless inquisition going on in your minds can overshadow your success during your exam period. You should be doing spiritual practices like meditation and praying in order to ward off the negative thoughts and anxieties.
N.B.: Please read our monthly horoscope analysis also by taking into consideration your ascendant and moon signs.
Let the heavens be your guide, let your way be that of light
Dr. Astrologer Senay Devi
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