Ali Kuşçu ( ?-1403 / 16 December 1474)
On the 543rd anniversary of the Great Scholar Ali KUŞCU's (? 1403- December 16, 1474) rejoining with the creator.
It is the 543rd anniversary of Astrologer and Astronomer Ali Kuscu's rejoining with the creator who has been trained by not only the father of Astrology and Astronomy Uluğ bey but Gıyaseddin Cemşid Kazızade Rumi and many venerable scholars. This great savant is an astrologer, astronomer and mathemathician. Having indited volumes of works in different fields of sciences Ali Kuşçu was born in 1403 in Semerqand and passed away on December 16, 1474 in Istanbul. His father was the falconer of Ulug Bey, a grand child of Timur (1369-1405). Hence that's where his moniker "Kuşçu" (Birdman) comes from.
Ali Kuşçu was born and bred in Semerqand. During the time he was living there, he was tutored by important scholars of mathematics, astronomy and astrology of his time including Uluğ Bey like Kadızâde-i Rûmî (1337-1420) and Gıyâsüddin Cemşid el-Kâşî (?-1429).
Ali Kuşçu has produced a historic volume of works in astrology, astronomy and mathematics. Some of these are
Risale-i fi'l Hey'e (Astronomy&Astrology)
Şerh-i Tici Uluğ Bey (Astronomy& Astrology)
Risale-i fi'l Fethiye (Astronomy&Astrology, Arabic version of Risale-i fi'l Hey)
Risale fi'l Muhammediye (Mathmatics, Algebra and Calculus)
Unkud-üz-Zevahir fi Man-ül-Cevahir]] (Modern Turkish: The Permutation Observed in The Clustering of Gems)
I commemorate this venerable scholar who has been a guiding light on my life path with PRAYERS, GRATITUDE and RESPECT.
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